Importance of Optimizing your Website

Know the importance of optimizing your website to generate more traffic, leads & rank better on Google Importance of SEO Search engine indexing Search engines love to index optimized websites and rank them higher. Increased website traffic An optimized website ranking at a good place on search engines drives more traffic as compared to the […]

Stop Wasting Money! 9 Tips to Improve Your Google Ads (Specifically Google Adwords) ROI 1. Understand Searcher Intent When creating search campaigns It’s vital to choose keywords that make sense for a searcher of your product, not necessarily ones related to your product, if you can relate the intent behind the search term. you’ll be […]
Leveraging Psychology in Digital Marketing

Applying the Psychology of Persuasion to optimize your digital marketing [Infographic] A summary of 7 principles of persuasion There is increasing interest in applying the principles of Psychology to Digital Marketing. According to Kath Pay. PERSUASION ARCHITECTURE Persuasion Architecture is the use of basic human traits and psychological cues to prompt action. In digital marketing, […]
How Content Can Drive Marketing Success

Are your marketing activities struggling to gain traction? These five tips can help you make the most of content to drive more success. Digital marketing tips and tricks Marketing tips and tricks marketing strategy 1. Conduct a Content Audit A content audit is the first step in the process. You might have already identified your […]
What’s The Difference? Data Analyst vs Data Science vs Business Analyst

The difference in what a data analyst does as compared to a business analyst or a data scientist comes down to how the three roles use data. At startups and other small organizations, it is not uncommon for a data analyst to take on some of the predictive modeling or decision-making responsibilities that may otherwise […]

An infographic is a powerful marketing tool that will help you communicate complex information in a user-friendly manner using graphics, images, and captivating visuals. 01. SMART CHAT The Chatbots are simply a program that automates the task of chatting with users through a chatting interface. 02. VOICE EXPERIENCE IS BOOMING UP! Voice Search is a […]