8 Must-Haves for Your Coaching Agreements

 There are several important elements to include in a coaching agreement. The idea is to refine your coaching agreements as you go along and as you sign up different clients. However, here are some must-have sections of a coaching agreement.

  1. An Introduction 

It covers the reason for the engagement, the scope of the relationship and a little bit of background of the coaching program.

  1. A Disclaimer Section

While a coaching relationship is often intimate, it is important to be clear for instance that you are not a psychotherapist or a healthcare professional.

  1. Payments Policy

If you do not take the chance to spell this out early in the engagement, you might have to run around chasing your payments.

  1. A Clear Refund Policy 

A clear and solid refund policy will also protect you from clients who do not keep their appointments or try to reschedule their sessions a little too late. 

  1. Client Responsibility 

Clients need to be aware that coaches develop programs to facilitate their success and that ultimately, they are responsible for their own success.

  1. Confidentiality 

This does not just cover that sharing of information with third parties. It also covers any materials you may have designed by yourself.

  1. Indemnity Clause 

It might be more worthwhile to get some legal counsel before you draft the terms. You’ll want to be sure you are properly covered in case of litigation.

  1. Termination Clause

Have these included in the agreement so you can easily refer to them if/when you have to let  a client go.