Stop Wasting Money! 9 Tips to Improve Your Google Ads (Specifically Google Adwords) ROI

1. Understand Searcher Intent

When creating search campaigns It’s vital to choose keywords that make sense for a searcher of your product, not necessarily ones related to your product, if you can relate the intent behind the search term. you’ll be able to choose keywords that convert.

2. Appropriate Language

When selecting language settings, unless you have a specific reason, always choose All languages”. The reason (or this is that language is set by the users’ operating system, so limiting languages limits your reach.

3. Structure is everything

Create your campaigns based on location and category and create your ad groups with similar keywords In each campaign so that the ads are relative to the keywords within them.

4. Specific Ad Groups

Every time you find a well converting term, you should create a campaign and ad group Just for that keyword – this way you can control the budget directly and let other keywords have a better chance. This will also improve your Quality Score.

5. Beware of broad terms

While ‘broad” insures the best chance of receiving impressions, It also can mean you show up for unrelated keywords. If you run broad matches, always check your negative keywords tab and add additional qualifiers as needed.

6. Location setting

When choosing location, make sure you select the option for “only people within my location- otherwise your ads could show up for people searching for words which include your location.

7. Transparency

Make sure your landing pages have a “privacy policy”. Goalie takes transparency seriously, and when their crawlers scan your site. they’ll look for elements of transparency, such as your policy. Having one present can Improve your quality score.

8. Don’t be blinded by conversions. 

Always speak with your sales team and make sure your campaigns provide quality leads, not only quantity, then opti-mise accordingly. Always keep your eye on your ROI. After all, the best leads/sales in the world are worthless if you’re losing money In the long run.

9. Quit while you’re ahead

Ask any gambler and they’ll tell you – at one point or another, they always get on top, but the hunger for more eventually leads them down the wrong path. In other words, optimize your campaigns until you’re happy with the results and then let them be and move on to new campaigns.